Monday, January 31, 2011

making positive financial changes!

I'm putting myself on a budget... and actually sticking to it this time!

In addition to everything else Brad and I are saving for, the big one at the moment (and the most fun) is my family reunion in Ireland in August. How many times will we have this opportunity? Probably never again. We've been cracking down for the last several months, which is extremely difficult for a shopaholic like myself. Also, it is very easy to become an old married couple while trying to live on a budget! But there are plenty of ways to have a good time without spending a lot of money.  I don't know why we don't make more use of the beach that is 10 miles away.... it is free and gorgeous!

Check out Oprah's debt diet.  It was super helpful for developing a monthly spending plan!
Debt Diet Budget Pie Chart

Housing 35%  
- Mortage/Rent, Repairs, Taxes, Utilities, Insurance
Savings 10% 
Transportation 15%
-Car Payments, Gas, Insurance, Repairs, Parking/tolls, Train/Bus/Taxi Fees
Debt 15%
-Student Loans, Credit Cards, Personal Loans
Other Living Expenses 25%  
- Eating Out, Vacations, Entertainment, Clothing

It is also great to see areas where you can make cutbacks to bump up that savings. Coupons are so worth the time it takes to cut and organize them.  I once saved $72.00on a trip to the grocery store! That has to be some sort of record (Thank you, Mom). We've also challenged ourselves to pack our lunches for work instead of spending the average $10/day to eat out. We spend about $25/week together on lunch supplies instead of $50 weekly saving about $150/month each. is also amazing. It is a free (and very secure) online software that brings all your financial accounts together in one place and automatically organizes your transactions.   You can customize each category of your budget and Mint will send notifications when you are reaching your limit on a specific category. I've realized I CAN save AND still have a little fun AND buy a new top (...just not five new tops!).

This cutting back on spending thing is definitely not easy, but my competitive nature finds it a little fun to keep challenging myself.

Happy Saving!

Friday, January 21, 2011

Greek Burgers... quick, healthy (well healthier) and oh so delicious!

Try this delicious and healthier burger option! Not only are they delicious, but it is super quick and easy.  

1 lb/package of ground turkey 
1 package of feta cheese (I sometimes use more if it's the crumbles)
1 egg
1 bag of spinach leaves
 Olive Oil  

Use large saute pan and add a litte olive oil. Add spinach leaves to saute pan. Cook until all spinach is wilted looking (the amount of spinach will go down by more than 1/2 of the size). Chop up. 
In large bowl dump in ground turkey, chopped spinach, package of feta, 1 cracked egg, 1 tbsp or so of olive oil, salt and pepper. Squish around till mixed. Shape into 3-4 burgers and grill.
Serve on a whole wheat bun and top w/ Sundried tomatoes (found in produce dept - in oil), more feta and chopped kalamata olives (optional).

These are so good that you could even opt out of the bun and save some more calories! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

kick that metabolism into gear and shed those holiday lbs!

8 Tricks for Rev-ing up your Metabolism!

Do Intervals
Mixing in fast-paced intervals raises your metabolic rate higher than doing a steady cardio workout, and will continue to do so up to an hour after you’re done, says Kristin McGee, a trainer and Pilates instructor whose client list includes Tina Fey and Bethenny Frankel. An Australian study also found that women who did intervals while they were biking lost three times as much fat as those who worked out at a steady pace. If you’re a walker, simply walk at your normal pace for 1 to 2 minutes, then speed-walk for 30 to 60 seconds. Repeat the sequence 10 to 15 times. 

Opt for Caffeine
It’s time to hit Starbucks. A study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior shows that coffee drinkers have a 16 percent higher metabolic rate than those who abstain or drink decaf joe, because caffeine increases your heart rate and stimulates your central nervous system. Spread out the cups over your entire day to keep your metabolism running at a boosted rate—just be sure to have your last cup by early afternoon so you can hit the pillow with no problems later on.

Add Some Ice
Though the increase is modest, there is some evidence that drinking cold water can cause a slight surge in metabolic rate. Since your body maintains a core temperature around 98.6°F, cold water will be brought to that temperature after being consumed and calories are burned during the warming process. Discovery Healthdeduced that you can burn up to 70 extra calories a day if you follow the common rule of drinking eight 8-ounce glasses of cold water per day. Need another reason to up your water intake? Researchers at the University of Utah found that participants who drank half of the recommended amount of water per day (four 8-ounce glasses), not only showed signs of dehydration, they also experienced a 2% decrease in calories burned per day.

Eat a Big Breakfast
It’s time to nix the oatmeal with skim milk. Instead, start your day with a fatty breakfast, including eggs and even a piece of bacon, suggests Molly Bray, PhD, lead author of a recent study showing that a fat-filled morning meal will jumpstart your metabolism for the day faster than a lowfat, low-calorie breakfast. Another study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology found that people who eat 22 to 55 percent of their total calories at breakfast gain 1.7 pounds over four years. That’s not bad considering those who eat 0 to 11 percent of their calories in the morning gain nearly 3 pounds.

Drink Green Tea
Not only does green tea contain enough antioxidants to keep colds and the flu at bay, but it also does wonders for your metabolism, according to a study published in the journal Phytomedicine. Researchers found that people who drank the equivalent of three to five cups daily for three months shaved 5 percent off their body weight. Green tea contains ECGC, a plant compound that stimulates your metabolism, says Rania Batayneh, MPH, a nutritionist in private practice in San Francisco and Portland, Oregon, and founder of Essential Nutrition consulting.

Don't Skimp on Dairy
Calcium-rich foods and drinks, including milk, yogurt and cheese, increase the rate at which fat turns into waste, says a study by researchers at the University of Copenhagen published in the The Journal of Nutrition. It doesn’t matter what form of dairy product you’re consuming as long as the serving size is adequate (keep it lowfat!)—either a full glass of lowfat milk or 6 ounces of yogurt is perfect. Also, the study noted that you have to actually ingest the calcium in its natural form; supplements don’t work due to differences in the chemical makeup.

Build More Muscle
Gaining lean muscle mass boosts your metabolism and makes losing weight much easier, McGee says. If you add just 5 pounds of muscle to your body, you’ll burn up to 150 more calories per day without even working out those muscles. And, you can burn an average of 600 calories per hour during your cardio workout thanks to that extra muscle mass. “Muscle burns more calories than fat does, even at rest, so any strength-training activities to build lean muscle are excellent,” McGee says. The key is to challenge all your muscles and do a full-body strength-training workout, hitting your core, arms, legs, back and chest.

Pick Up Heavier Weights
By using heavy weights at a very slow rate—twice as slow as would feel natural—you break down your muscles (you’ll know the weights are heavy enough and the workout slow enough if you start to shake after just a few lifts or squats). Researchers at Wayne State University found that when your body repairs those overworked muscles, it causes your metabolism to increase for up to three days after the workout.

Article by Danielle Braff,

Friday, January 7, 2011

we should.... go snowboarding!

It is so much harder than it looks. I spent most of the day on my butt.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

here's to resolutions!

AAhh I've finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and start blogging! This is really just an honest attempt at keeping track and accomplishing my 2011 goals while staying in touch with family and friends. Well I say "I" because I am the one that wanted to start the blog, but really they are "our" goals - Iver Bradley and I. Right Brad? Right? Ha.

The inspiration for the title of this blog comes from my frustration of over-using the phrase "we should.... (insert absolutely anything here)" and then not following through. The number of times last year Brad and I have had an amazing idea of things we really should start doing is countless. Amongst family and friends (especially those I rarely get to see), the "we should" conversation always comes up.  For me, these conversations always provide an initial high but are immediately followed by post-moment blues. I know the chances of us all actually following through with these great ideas are slim to none. A year will go by and we will be having the same conversation over again. It is not from lack of passion and desire, but life and money get in the way every time.

So to tackle my "we should" blues... I've decided to create a "We Should" project to help turn some of our big ideas into reality! I will be sharing my experiences and tips as I attempt the daunting challenge of living on a budget, eating healthier and having fun doing it!  All which will help Brad and I accomplish the following "We Should" project:

1. We should.... relocate.

2. We should.... travel: to Europe  (Burke family reunion - Aug 2011).

3. We should.... start a business: launch Brad's custom furniture line.

4. We should.... Be more active: goodbye holiday drinks and sweets that so nicely   found themselves a home on my thighs.

Ok, go.