Monday, January 31, 2011

making positive financial changes!

I'm putting myself on a budget... and actually sticking to it this time!

In addition to everything else Brad and I are saving for, the big one at the moment (and the most fun) is my family reunion in Ireland in August. How many times will we have this opportunity? Probably never again. We've been cracking down for the last several months, which is extremely difficult for a shopaholic like myself. Also, it is very easy to become an old married couple while trying to live on a budget! But there are plenty of ways to have a good time without spending a lot of money.  I don't know why we don't make more use of the beach that is 10 miles away.... it is free and gorgeous!

Check out Oprah's debt diet.  It was super helpful for developing a monthly spending plan!
Debt Diet Budget Pie Chart

Housing 35%  
- Mortage/Rent, Repairs, Taxes, Utilities, Insurance
Savings 10% 
Transportation 15%
-Car Payments, Gas, Insurance, Repairs, Parking/tolls, Train/Bus/Taxi Fees
Debt 15%
-Student Loans, Credit Cards, Personal Loans
Other Living Expenses 25%  
- Eating Out, Vacations, Entertainment, Clothing

It is also great to see areas where you can make cutbacks to bump up that savings. Coupons are so worth the time it takes to cut and organize them.  I once saved $72.00on a trip to the grocery store! That has to be some sort of record (Thank you, Mom). We've also challenged ourselves to pack our lunches for work instead of spending the average $10/day to eat out. We spend about $25/week together on lunch supplies instead of $50 weekly saving about $150/month each. is also amazing. It is a free (and very secure) online software that brings all your financial accounts together in one place and automatically organizes your transactions.   You can customize each category of your budget and Mint will send notifications when you are reaching your limit on a specific category. I've realized I CAN save AND still have a little fun AND buy a new top (...just not five new tops!).

This cutting back on spending thing is definitely not easy, but my competitive nature finds it a little fun to keep challenging myself.

Happy Saving!

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