Wednesday, January 5, 2011

here's to resolutions!

AAhh I've finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and start blogging! This is really just an honest attempt at keeping track and accomplishing my 2011 goals while staying in touch with family and friends. Well I say "I" because I am the one that wanted to start the blog, but really they are "our" goals - Iver Bradley and I. Right Brad? Right? Ha.

The inspiration for the title of this blog comes from my frustration of over-using the phrase "we should.... (insert absolutely anything here)" and then not following through. The number of times last year Brad and I have had an amazing idea of things we really should start doing is countless. Amongst family and friends (especially those I rarely get to see), the "we should" conversation always comes up.  For me, these conversations always provide an initial high but are immediately followed by post-moment blues. I know the chances of us all actually following through with these great ideas are slim to none. A year will go by and we will be having the same conversation over again. It is not from lack of passion and desire, but life and money get in the way every time.

So to tackle my "we should" blues... I've decided to create a "We Should" project to help turn some of our big ideas into reality! I will be sharing my experiences and tips as I attempt the daunting challenge of living on a budget, eating healthier and having fun doing it!  All which will help Brad and I accomplish the following "We Should" project:

1. We should.... relocate.

2. We should.... travel: to Europe  (Burke family reunion - Aug 2011).

3. We should.... start a business: launch Brad's custom furniture line.

4. We should.... Be more active: goodbye holiday drinks and sweets that so nicely   found themselves a home on my thighs.

Ok, go.

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